Cheap Enough? - The Fleet Sell-Off - Regular Fit - T-shirt
Remember the glory days of 1994-2000? When everyone was happy because they got rid of none other than the communist party in Romania. But, others made plans. Let’s thank them for selling our navy to foreign companies. Give the credit to *cough* Basescu *cough* *cough*. No, I didn’t say anything, we’re ok. Please don’t arrest me.
This is a regular fit t-shirt, made out of 100% cotton.
Remember the glory days of 1994-2000? When everyone was happy because they got rid of none other than the communist party in Romania. But, others made plans. Let’s thank them for selling our navy to foreign companies. Give the credit to *cough* Basescu *cough* *cough*. No, I didn’t say anything, we’re ok. Please don’t arrest me.
This is a regular fit t-shirt, made out of 100% cotton.
Remember the glory days of 1994-2000? When everyone was happy because they got rid of none other than the communist party in Romania. But, others made plans. Let’s thank them for selling our navy to foreign companies. Give the credit to *cough* Basescu *cough* *cough*. No, I didn’t say anything, we’re ok. Please don’t arrest me.
This is a regular fit t-shirt, made out of 100% cotton.